Watchmaker Framework for Evolutionary Computation API
(Version 0.7.1)

Package org.uncommons.watchmaker.framework.factories

Provides convenient general-purpose CandidateFactory implementations for common candidate representations such as strings, lists and arrays.


Class Summary
AbstractCandidateFactory<T> Convenient base class for implementations of CandidateFactory.
BitStringFactory General purpose candidate factory for generating bit strings for genetic algorithms.
ListPermutationFactory<T> Generates random candidates from a set of elements.
ObjectArrayPermutationFactory<T> Generates random candidates from a set of elements.
StringFactory General-purpose candidate factory for EAs that use a fixed-length String encoding.

Package org.uncommons.watchmaker.framework.factories Description

Provides convenient general-purpose CandidateFactory implementations for common candidate representations such as strings, lists and arrays.

Daniel Dyer

Watchmaker Framework for Evolutionary Computation API
(Version 0.7.1)