Watchmaker Framework for Evolutionary Computation API
(Version 0.7.1)

Package org.uncommons.watchmaker.framework.operators

Provides several ready-to-use standard evolutionary operators for commonly used data types such as arrays, lists and strings.


Class Summary
AbstractCrossover<T> Generic base class for cross-over implementations.
BitStringCrossover Cross-over with a configurable number of points (fixed or random) for bit strings.
BitStringMutation Mutation of individual bits in a BitString according to some probability.
ByteArrayCrossover Cross-over with a configurable number of points (fixed or random) for arrays of primitive bytes.
CharArrayCrossover Cross-over with a configurable number of points (fixed or random) for arrays of primitive chars.
DoubleArrayCrossover Cross-over with a configurable number of points (fixed or random) for arrays of primitive doubles.
EvolutionPipeline<T> A compound evolutionary operator that applies multiple operators (of the same type) in series.
IdentityOperator<T> Evolutionary operator that simply returns the selected candidates unaltered.
IntArrayCrossover Cross-over with a configurable number of points (fixed or random) for arrays of primitive ints.
ListCrossover<T> Variable-point (fixed or random) cross-over for arbitrary lists.
ListInversion<T> An evolutionary operator that randomly reverses a subsection of a list.
ListOperator<T> A higher-order evolutionary operator that is applied to populations made up of lists.
ListOrderCrossover<T> Implements ordered cross-over between arbitrary lists.
ListOrderMutation<T> A special mutation implementation that instead of changing the genes of the candidate, re-orders them.
ObjectArrayCrossover<T> Cross-over with a configurable number of points (fixed or random) for arrays of reference types.
Replacement<T> An evolutionary operator that replaces individuals with randomly-generated new individuals, according to some specified probability.
SplitEvolution<T> Compound evolutionary operator that allows the evolution of a population to be split into two separate streams.
StringCrossover Variable-point (fixed or random) cross-over for String candidates.
StringMutation Mutation of individual characters in a string according to some probability.

Package org.uncommons.watchmaker.framework.operators Description

Provides several ready-to-use standard evolutionary operators for commonly used data types such as arrays, lists and strings.

Watchmaker Framework for Evolutionary Computation API
(Version 0.7.1)